
Fantastic Victoriana


In which Your Humble Correspondent endeavours, with what he hopes is at least Partial Success, to list some of the Notable and Obscure Characters and Places of popular Victorian Fiction, that these might or might not be Suitable for Inclusion at some point in the Fanciful Chronicles of that noted Scrivener and author of Penny Dreadfuls Alan Moore (capably aided by the Thomas Nash of the Twentieth Century, Kevin O'Neill) in his Creations Peculiar And Edifying: to wit, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Dear Reader, a Guide to the latter is located a Short Distance away; simply Click Here, and you shall see a few Notes Of Worth regarding that most Interesting of Illustrated Novels. If you prefer the more Elegant alternative of A Book, you may Purchase my effort, Heroes and Monsters: The Unofficial Guide to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, from the Good People of MonkeyBrain Books. A second book, A Blazing World, explaining the second League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series, is forthcoming in September 2004. Whether this site is worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as League is For You To Decide. Your Humble Correspondent simply desires to enumerate a number of fantastic and mysterious characters and places. You will also, should you wish, discover Certain Links of Edification And Wonderment, discovered and refined by Your Humble Correspondent (and a small Team of Select and Capable Worthies) for your pleasure.