
Dimestore Productions Online

The Small Press Supersite

Hi there, I'm glad you decided to stop by, and hope that you have the time to look around the site. There's a lot of information in this site, from what small press publishing is, how to do it, reviews and listings aplenty in many genres including publications, recordings, and films, information on the avenues of distribution of all that. Consider it all "under construction" too, as we are continually updating and improving how things are set up here.

When I was a teenager in high school, someone told me, after I'd said I would one day like to write comic books, hey-why don't you. It was a simple and revolutionary thought and the following year changed my life forever. My goal in life is to bring that revelation to as many people as I can. The small press network I grew up with was based in newszines run by individuals. Some were better than others, some still exist in one form or another. I ran one for many years myself. I have taken that base of ideas onto the web, and hope to offer everything anyone could want regarding self publishing. I am here to stand behind all transactions that are associated with Dimestore Production's web site. So whether you're interested in who does what, want to start doing something yourself, are a long-time small presser from the traditional 'network' welcome, feel free to contact me, and most of all, have fun. There is an easy-to-use navigation menu floating around at the top/left of every page, so it's hard to get lost!