
The Conspiracy Theory Research List


A conspiracy theorist is a modern day heretic. Through its control of the media and ultimately the historical record itself, the established power structure denies the exposure of the hidden conspiratorial framework which allows it to operate with impunity.

In studying conspiracy theory, one finds many differing stories and spins. Myself, I am researching to understand and hopefully help in a my own little way to bring peace into this beautiful mudball we call home. Conspiracy research customarily delves into questions of evil motives and agendas. I believe evil is what man makes it. Man's free will is the variable in life's equation. The devil doesn't "make" people do things -- people choose to commit evil acts.

Based on my own research, I believe that a network or networks of multi-generational cults are fomenting conspiracy against mankind. Are there any good guys, really? Are there bad guys? Who's to know? Like I said, there are many stories and many spins, all of which deserve much wider public debate in a forum such as CTRL. My personal take is that there is a definite group of "baddies" that move through various organizations at differing times and locales, similar to the plans which Adam Wieshaupt outlined in the Illuminati papers, which were seized by the Bavarian Government. (And there are those that put a whole another layer of conspiracy about that revelation).