
Construction Worker Shoots Himself in Eye

A construction worker accidentally shot himself in the eye with a nail gun and then pulled the 2 1/2-inch nail out of his face, according to a police report and a co-worker.

Joseluis Franco, 19, was using an air-powered, Hitachi nail gun to help build a home Wednesday when a nail bounced back and lodged in his eye, crew leader Rogelio Ocampo said. Franco was nailing a two-by-four to concrete when the nail ricocheted.

Franco was conscious when police arrived at the scene and was taken to St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach, where he was treated and released. Police said Friday they don't know the condition of Franco's eye.

Originally from a town near Acapulco, Mexico, Franco has been in the construction business for about three weeks, Ocampo said.

"I don't know what's going to happen to him," Ocampo said. "I don't know if the insurance is going to cover his bills or anything."